Another Hotfix
Another hotfix (0 1 58) was required because the Reveal Unit event that is so important on many occasions (whenever a Unit performs a concealment loss action and all enemy Units are concealed themselves) did not hand back action to the player that had the initiative before under all circumstances. As a goodie you will get a new and probably for some players easier way to navigate the map as an alternative to using the keyboard. Right-click with your mouse on it and drag it into any direction. Zoom with your mouse wheel. This version is backwards compatible with 0 1 57 (in terms of scenarios/matches). From now on I will mention this explicitely in the announcement post for a new release.
The countergraphics in the new version are great! Moving around over the battlefield is alot easier now too with the new mouse functions. Keep up the great work!!
Thank you Jacksboro! Looks much better indeed. Next will be all Support Weapon artwork.